fillmotive motive_Bladder or Energy or Fun or Hunger or Hygiene or Social - fulfils the specified motive.sims.give_satisfaction_points - type any number you want, your Sim will get that many satisfaction points.plete_current_milestone - completes the Sim's current aspirational goal.resetsim - this will reset a stuck Sim, as long as you spell the name right.bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement - lets you get items that are usually locked into certain careers.bb.enablefreebuild - lets you build wherever you want.bb.showhiddenobjects - reveals hidden objects and lets you buy them.modebb.moveobjects - lets you put items wherever you want.topay_bills true or false - this one enables or disables monthly bill payments.FreeRealEstate on or off - all the lots in this area become free.Money- type any number after the word money to receive that precise amount of dosh.Make head - will make any item your Sim's new head.Teleport Sim - allows you to move your Sim to a place of your choosing.Make Dirty or Make Clean - either cleans an object or makes it dirty.Modify in CAS - allows you to alter the Sim in Create-a-Sim.